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keep in mind when creating your company brand:

Here are four things to keep in mind when creating your company brand:

1) Own the important thing: Dole try to be everything for all people spend your time focusing on one clear message. Mercedes-Benz has an engineering in the automotive industry because it has focused on that individual message for decades.

2) Consistency is essential: the consistent offer will ensure that your customers are aware. Be consistent with logos, shading, visual, toning, and ad copy. Coca-Cola is one of the most famous brands in the world because it has not changed in decades. Make sure your booklets, your website, direct mail, and all other ads have the same feeling and message.

3) Make your message relevant: Know your audience, know what they care about and how to talk to them. Make sure that what you sell is what it needs. Remember that conversation should always be about your audience, not you.

4) Use a strong stimulus offer: You want your audience to remember you and want to buy members from you. You need to move them to work. Strong offer should give them a reason to buy. Make the presentation clear and appropriate.
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