More than four months after he was arrested, the whereabouts of Yemeni writer Marwan Almuraisy remain unknown. He was last seen in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where he resides.
Security officers arrested Almuraisy on June 1. Human rights organisations say he was transferred to an unknown location and that he is being held incommunicado:
Al-Muraisy's family have been denied information about the charges against him, the location where he is being held and are unable to visit him.
It remains unclear why he was arrested. On his personal Twitter account, where he has nearly 100 thousand followers, he mostly tweeted on news related to technology, innovation and science. He also posted motivational tweets and videos to inspire others.
Al-Muraisy had done some reporting for the privately-owned Saudi website Sabq and other outlets including the non-profit Science and Development Network ( focused on science and technology.
According to his bio on Goodreads, Al-Muraisy managed a number of Twitter accounts including the @WorldInNumbers, which provided world data and statistics to an Arabic audience, @ArabicShortFilm dedicated to short films in Arabic, and @3bqr, where he posted mental puzzles, although these accounts have been inactive since 2015. He is also a co-founder at CV Graphic, a tech business that creates professional curricula vitae in the format of infographics. In January 2014, Almuraisy published a book, Lbn ala’sfour (Milk of the bird), in which he reproduced 140 funny tweets posted by Arabic-speaking users.
Almuraisy's disappearance puzzled his supporters, particularly given that he was not publicly involved in political or human rights activism, which are common targets for the Saudi authorities.
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